淩晨三點 142頁的終結 是不是意謂著  還是走進了尾聲?
僵坐超過十二個小時         鎮日  敲敲打打 手指在 enter 鍵  / delete鍵     游移
我所能為你做的 最簡單的
325天 我丟不下 鳯城 大福利   水餃攤 is coffee    eslite   你的身影
夜色中 101 筆直伸入雲層 水岸映著摩天輪 轉動一場我們的
你聽來無奈 怎麼重來    無心再猜
你不懂 拂袖而去的正當理由 我不解 只想逃開窒人的氛圍      
觸不著體貼 你分析任性離去影響你每一根神經 左右公正判斷
                                                                                                                               觸不著體貼 莫名的任性 像刺蝟本能武裝 抵抗日益下降的   那個溫度
恍然    我從未發現     身上長滿了透明的刺    乍見你時 你看不見             伸手 卻傷痕累累

     You touched my heart you touched my soul.

     You changed my life and all my goals.

     And love is blind and that I knew when,

       My heart was blinded by you.

       I've kissed your lips and held your head.

      Shared your dreams and shared your bed.

       I know you well, I know your smell.

        I've been addicted to you.

      U've been the father of my child.

         I'd spend a lifetime with you.

       And I love you, I swear that's true.

       I cannot live without you.






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